Sweet Rewards: A Look at Fruit Leather

Sweet Rewards: A Look at Fruit Leather

  1. Fruit Leather - What is it and where does it come from?

For thousands of years, people have dried fruit to preserve it with some of the earliest recipes originate from the Ottoman Empire, where fruit pulps were blended, spread, then dried in oven so people could enjoy the taste, nutrition and joy of fruit throughout the year. Fruit leather, also known as fruit roll-ups, make a delicious treat and recipe can be made from all sorts of fruits. The process and ingredients used to make fruit leather and roll vary greatly, depending on where it is made. For example, in Mexico, traditional recipes need anise seed or even chili pepper. Indian recipes feature cardamom and other spices while American recipes often incorporate just honey and sugar 

Fruit leather is one of those easy treats that can satisfy both children and adults alike! Its portability makes it a great snack for school lunches or long trips, while its sweetness appeals to kids (and adults!) who need something special to enjoy. It is also a great way to get the daily dose of vitamins you need without relying on processed snacks.  


  1. Why Zest Fruit Leather?

We were inspired by the stories and recipes of people who try to preserve fruit and enjoy them the whole year using various recipes. They felt steeped in history, yet timeless. What if we could update the recipe of the dried fruit snack, building on the tradition of fruit leather, giving a twist to make it even more suitable and healthy for today?  

We set to work in our kitchen. We found the traditional recipe, using cauldrons to dissolve and melt the fruit pulp, led to a fantastic, rich taste. As we explored, we realized how much ingredients mattered for the recipe: the fresher the fruit the better the taste. (And we discovered some new flavors on the way). We increased the serving size, to work better as a snack. And we simplified the recipe, using no added sugar, more fruit, and no nasties, discovering the perfect balance of the just three ingredient recipes: apple, fruit for flavor and lemon smash.  

The result: Zest Fruit Leather. A fruit snack with a twist: pure, healthy and plant based. A new fruit snack for a new generation. Helping you get the most from fruit anytime, anywhere.  


  1. Benefits of fruit leather

There are many benefits to fruit leather, and it is a great way to get some sweetness in your life. Here are just a few of the reasons why fruit leather is a wonderful option:  

  1. Fruit leather is a great healthy way to get some vitamins and minerals without adding sugar into your diet. Many fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, and when they're dried out, they become even more concentrated. This means that fruit leather can be a great way to get some nutrients into your body. 
  2. Fruit leather is easy to transport and eat on the go. If you're someone who likes to travel or go on hikes, then fruit leather is a great option for you. It's easy to pack up and carry with you, and it's also easy to eat when you're on the go. 
  3. Fruit leather can be enjoyed by people of all ages. There's no need to limit yourself to only children when it comes to fruit leather; everyone can enjoy this tasty treat! 
  4. Fruit leather is affordable. Compared to other sweets with added sugar, fruit leather is often quite affordable, making it an excellent option for anyone looking to save money on their sweet cravings.
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